NDIS Services

CSS is a registered Service Provider for the NDIA. This means we can provide the services you require under your NDIA Support Plan.

Some of the services we are registered to provide are:

  • Assistance with Personal Activities, this includes all aspects of personal care and daily living.
  • Assistance with transport to community events and medical appointments.
  • Assistance with all household tasks like cleaning and gardening.
  • Assistance with the development of life skills; like cooking and travel training.
  • Assistance to participate in the community.
  • We can also provide personal activities assistance to those living in shared accommodation.

CSS can also provide Plan Management Assistance – assistance to help you manage your NDIS Support Plan.

If you would like to talk to someone about the ways we can help you to achieve your goals and follow your NDIS plan please give CSS a call on 9679 1912.

As of July 2019 CSS – Care & Support Services will be charging the NDIS TTP rate for their services.

The TTP (Temporary Transformation Payment) is an additional cost providers can charge as they continue to transition to working under the NDIS.

The current TTP rates for attendant care NDIS Services for Daily living assistance and community access are:

Daytime: $58.80

Evening 8pm to midnight: $ 64.71 per hour

Anytime on a Saturday: $82.48 per hour

Anytime on a Sunday: $ 106.17 per hour

Anytime on a Public Holiday: $ 129.86 per hour

The full NDIS price guide can be found at www.ndis.gov.au

Rates current as of 1 December 2020.