Stay tuned for the latest News and Events at Care & Support Services
CSS Emergency Contact Numbers
If you need to contact CSS during business hours Monday through to Friday (9am -4pm) you will need to call either of the following numbers:
Office Landline: 9679 1912
Office Mobile: 0499 014 196
Out of hours calls should only be for an EMERGENCY. An emergency is anything that cannot wait until 9am Monday to Friday.
Out of office hours you will need to call the On Call Number 0499 014 589 to speak with the Manager on Duty.
August 9, 2022
It’s that time of year again, your service user survey has been sent out to you today. Please take the time to complete this and return it to us (you can remain anonymous!) and let us know how we are doing. We do welcome all feedback whether its positive or negative.
Surveys should be returned to us by the 31st October 2022.
Remember, you can provide feedback at any time by using the Contact Us form on this website.
June 14, 2022
The next Tell Us What U Think package has been sent to all service users today. We look forward to receiving your feedback and suggestions! Remember – this is your chance to exercise your voice, and have direct input, and influence, into CSS’s policies and procedures. This time we are reviewing our new policy: Cultural, Safety, Inclusion and Diversity Fact Sheet, and the Privacy and Confidentiality Fact Sheet.
Please send all responses through by 30th July 2022. We look forward to your responses!!
Eligible NDIS participants can purchase rapid antigen tests (RATs) with funding from their NDIS plan.
Participants can use their core funding to purchase RATs where it is required to access their reasonable and necessary supports.
For more information see:
16 August 2021
It’s that time of year again, your service user survey has been sent out to you today. Please take the time to complete this and return it to us (you can remain anonymous!) and let us know how we are doing. We do welcome all feedback whether its positive or negative.
Surveys should be returned to us by the 1st October 2021.
Remember, you can provide feedback at any time by using the Contact Us form on this website.
NDIS Temporary Transformation Payment Rates (TTP)
As of July 2019 CSS – Care & Support Services will be charging the NDIS TTP rate for their services.
The current TTP rates (as of July 2021) are:
Assistance with self care activities & Community access:
Daytime $58.80 per hour
Evening $ 64.71 per hour
Saturdays $82.48 per hour
Sundays $106.17 per hour
Public Holidays $ 129.86 per hour
For more information see the NDIS page on this website or for a full copy of the NDIS Price Guide you can visit the NDIS website at
The next ‘Tell Us What You Think!’ pack has been sent out to all Service Users today. This one involves our information for Service Users on Complaints and Informed Choice.
We are inviting feedback from all Service Users and their families and/or carers, advocates etc.
Remember to ‘Tell Us What You Think?’ by returning the suggestion form included with your letter, this is your opportunity to be part of our policy review process.
All responses should be received by CSS by 29th June 2021.
Remember, you can provide feedback at any time by using the Contact Us form on this website.